Protecting the environment

Sustainable development and environmental protection are key factors influencing event planners’ choice of destination.

Earth Day

At Disneyland® Paris we believe that every day should be Earth Day. That is why we strive to safeguard our planet and encourage others to do the same. Disneyland® Paris has introduced or re-introduced its 14,500 employees to good practices and actions that help protect the environment. This internal initiative was developed in partnership with numerous local businesses.

Earth Day Disney-styleEarth
Day events take place every year in partnership with a host of local businesses to raise environmental awareness among the 14,500 Cast Members of Disneyland® Paris.

An Interactive Lesson
An actual-size show house has been built to allow visitors to try out good environmental practice and the latest energy-saving equipment for themselves (garden wind turbine, light bulbs, etc.).  

Waste management is a critical part of our ecological commitment.

We recycle 39% of our daily waste, including paper, cardboard, glass, cooking oil, scrap metal, electrical appliances, green waste and animal manure. We encourage Cast Members to use less paper and to sort waste at source, making recycling easier and more efficient.
Batteries and paint are treated separately, in line with best environmental protection practices.
In 2006, 3.4 tonnes of batteries were recycled thanks to collection boxes placed in stores and support zones frequented by employees and guests. And a special settling tank enables the liquid and solid elements of used paint to be treated and recycled separately.

Air, Land and Water Quality

We are committed to making eco-friendly choices to maintain air, land and water quality.

Reducing energy consumption
Being smart about energy consumption means choosing the most sustainable energy sources and reducing our overall energy consumption.

We use natural gas, considered one of the cleanest energy sources. We buy 15% of our electricity from renewable energy resources through Electricité de France’s “kWh Balance” contract. Almost one-third of our vehicle fleet is already powered by electricity, and our Cast Members are encouraged to make sustainable transport choices, such as joining company-run car pools.

We have begun to install energy-efficient light bulbs in all hotels in the complex. Presence detectors on the Park’s travelators further reduce energy consumption.

Managing Land and Water

Since 2004 we have been involved in a major programme of geophysical surveying and mapping of ground conditions throughout our site. This mapping will identify the strengths and weaknesses of certain environmental protection measures and ensure that we pass on clean land to future generations.

A strategy to reduce water consumption has been strongly reinforced since 1998. Since hotel accommodations account for most of the water used at Disneyland® Paris, we aim to install more cost-saving showers, water-saving systems and output regulators in our hotels. Since 2006 special devices have been installed in hotel swimming pools and spas to maintain high water quality while reducing usage.

Protecting Flora and Fauna

From the treetop adventure trail of Disney’s Davy Crockett Ranch® to the manicured lawns of our 27-hole golf course, green spaces are an integral part of the Disney experience. Our goal is to maintain the balance of the ecosystem of Disneyland® Paris.


Natural Pesticides
We favour the use of biological treatments rather than chemical pesticides, since this gives us a better understanding of how each local ecosystem works. For example, we use natural pheromone traps to maintain a balance between beneficial and harmful species.

As a result of these innovative methods, Disneyland® Paris has been selected as a pilot site for the testing of new biological methods and practices. We are currently working with the University of Rennes and other organisations specialising in this field of research.

Preserving Biodiversity
The vegetation at Disneyland® Paris is extremely diverse. On 155 hectares (383 acres) of green areas, there are 330,000 shrubs and bushes and 5,433 m2 (58,459 sq. ft) of floral landscaping. Every year 400,000 flowers are planted and 250 flower baskets hung.  Disney’s Davy Crockett Ranch®, located in a forest, boasts 15 tree species and more than 50 different kinds of wildflowers and plants.

Disneyland® Paris is also home to some 60 species of insect, including 15 varieties of butterfly and two types of swallow with more than 200 nests around the site. Ten species of fish were introduced into Lake Disney®, including carp, which control excess vegetation.